One Room Challenge - Office Before and Plan

Hey there again! Cue the confetti, it's that time again! It's time for another season of ONE ROOM CHALLENGE! In the past season you'll remember that I took on the task of transforming my parent's guest bedroom. However if you are new to the House Plus Love blog, then scroll down a few posts and you can read all about the journey...from painting vintage furniture, design organization, and more!

So are y'all up for a new challenge? This season I have decided to tackle a space in my very own House Plus Love home! Over the next six weeks you can follow the process as I redecorate my HOME OFFICE! I am super excited about this one! I have been wanting to redesign my office for quite some time. I work from home, so it is a space that gets a lot of use. However, lately it has become a "catch-all" space that I don't seem to use much for "working" and I want to change that! My goal is for the space to become inviting, organized, and FUN! I am hoping for a work environment that inspires me and fully embodies the House Plus Love vibe! So let's get started shall we!

First things first...the BEFORE! Full disclaimer...I am an Auburn University graduate, so when I moved into my home, I thought that a nod to my Alma Mater would be just the ticket. Cute huh? Well, that orange and navy situation has run its course for me. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE orange and navy...I'm just tired of staring at it. So here is the not so bad before!

Now that you have seen where we are starting, let's talk about where we are going! Here is the design plan I have put together for the updated space!

OMG what a difference! I am so excited for this one! My new office is going to be so bright and cheerful! I can't wait! So check back here with me every Thursday for the next six weeks to watch the journey unfold!

Be sure to check out the Designer Participates of the One Room Challenge every Wednesday at Calling it Home! There are so many exciting names, I can't wait to see what everyone will do! And it is always so fun to check in with the MANY guest participates, like myself, who post every Thursday through Calling It Home! Check out these rock-stars here!

Yay!! Let's do this! Help me cheer on all the One Room Challenge participates!!

Mark Rippstein

Mark Rippstein is the co-founder of R+R Creative Co.

Before graduating from Santa Clara University with honors in Business Marketing, Mark developed a strong work ethic at his parent’s scientific research company. Starting there in his early teens, he jumped in wherever needed, from sweeping floors and counting inventory to soldering circuit boards and setting up trade show booths...he even launched their first web presence in 1996. After working for a couple dot com companies in Silicon Valley and a Dutch bank in Switzerland, Mark spent over 10 years at Google forming and overseeing diverse and dispersed teams and projects. It was through his travels during that time that his appreciation for travel management, especially for trusted and knowledgeable advisors, grew into something that led him to Casto Travel. As Casto’s Director of Marketing, Mark oversaw their online presence, making sure that those who have an experience with Casto, including those working at Casto, had a clear understanding of their values and services. By leading their marketing efforts, Mark was tasked with keeping everything on brand, accurate, and secure. His primary focus was on their websites and their social ties. Mark also provided oversight when it came to having a clear, consistent and positive brand message, particularly pertaining to customer satisfaction, lead generation, and recruiting.

Mark joined his wife, Carla, to build a different type of marketing consulting company. With R+R Creative Co, their objective is to bring clarity, sustainability, and accountability to their projects.

Throughout his years of working on the web, Mark has become an advocate for clarity, consistency, and security. He believes that we should all strive for excellence and going beyond expectations...especially when it comes to working with others.

Find out more at:

One Room Challenge - Wallpaper Spot Check!


One Room Challenge - The Final Reveal!